Released on October 3, 1995, Deftones' debut album "Adrenaline" transformed the nu-metal genre with its raw energy...
Day: 30 October 2024
Released on July 28, 1986, R.E.M.'s "Lifes Rich Pageant" marked a pivotal shift in their sound toward...
"Necroticism - Descanting the Insalubrious," released by Carcass in 1991, is a pivotal death metal album that...
Sepultura's "Schizophrenia," released on October 30, 1987, marked a crucial evolution in thrash metal. Introducing guitarist Andreas...
Sepultura's 1996 album, Roots, marks a significant evolution in metal, merging groove and nu metal with Brazilian...
In 1996, Korn released "Life Is Peachy," a pivotal nu metal album that showcased raw energy and...