"10,000 Days," released by Tool on May 2, 2006, is a pivotal progressive metal album that solidified...
Year: 2024
Released on April 6, 1993, Tool's debut album, Undertow, epitomizes alternative metal's evolution. With themes of struggle...
"Reload," released by Metallica in 1997, signifies a pivotal transition from thrash metal to mainstream rock. The...
Released on August 25, 1988, Metallica's album ...And Justice for All marked a vital chapter in their...
In 1996, Metallica released Load, a significant shift from their thrash metal roots to a hard rock...
Make Them Suffer's self-titled album, releasing on November 8, 2024, showcases a blend of aggression and melody,...
Released on October 3, 1995, Deftones' debut album "Adrenaline" transformed the nu-metal genre with its raw energy...
Released on July 28, 1986, R.E.M.'s "Lifes Rich Pageant" marked a pivotal shift in their sound toward...
"Necroticism - Descanting the Insalubrious," released by Carcass in 1991, is a pivotal death metal album that...