Megadeth's sixth album, "Youthanasia," released on November 1, 1994, marked a significant transition in their sound toward...
Nirvana's debut album, Bleach, released in 1989, significantly influenced the grunge movement despite initial obscurity. This raw...
The Smashing Pumpkins' Siamese Dream, released in 1993, is a pivotal alternative rock album blending grunge's rawness...
Pearl Jam's debut album, Ten, dropped on August 27, 1991, and kicked off the grunge craze. It...
Queensrÿche's 1994 album "Promised Land" is a pivotal work in progressive metal, showcasing the band's shift towards...
Jerry Cantrell's album I Want Blood, scored 76/100, marks a darker, introspective turn in his solo career....
Green Day's album Saviors, rated 73/100, represents a strong return for the band, balancing social critique with...
Monster Shop Score: 87/100 In the sprawling tapestry of British metal, few bands have consistently woven threads...
Monster Shop Score: 85/100 The Dead Daisies’ latest opus, Light ‘Em Up, marks a triumphant return to...